The Dangers of Tobacco Advertising: Protect Yourself and Your Family

Learn about the risks associated with tobacco advertising & how you can protect yourself & your family from its influence. Read our tips & get involved today!

The Dangers of Tobacco Advertising: Protect Yourself and Your Family

Scientific evidence has shown that tobacco companies' advertising and promotion have a significant influence on young people, making them more likely to start using tobacco. Teens who are exposed to cigarette advertising often find them attractive, as the ads make smoking seem appealing and desirable. This can increase adolescents' desire to smoke, which is why it is important to be aware of the risks associated with tobacco advertising and take steps to protect yourself and your family. Our key findings add to the evidence that climate change makes it difficult to protect human health.

To help combat this, it is important to share your voice and advocate for policies that save lives. Get involved today by raising funds and raising awareness in your community. Unfortunately, only three states are funding their tobacco control programs at levels close to those currently recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which means that tobacco companies' marketing initiatives are being carried out largely without effective and well-funded state tobacco control programs responding to them. Make a life-saving donation to help fund research on lung diseases and lung cancer, new treatments, lung health education, and more. Join the more than 700,000 people receiving the latest news on lung health, such as COVID-19, research, air quality, inspirational stories and resources.

Select your location to see local American Lung Association events and news near you. Read “Big tobacco companies are forced to tell the truth with television and print advertisements” to learn more about the tobacco industry that is forced to tell the truth about the deadly and harmful effects of cigarettes. Second, once state regulatory authority has been clarified and re-established, states and localities should severely restrict the advertising and promotion of tobacco products on billboards and other outdoor media, in vehicles, in public transportation facilities, in public stadiums and sports facilities, and at retail outlets. An important reason to draw attention to comprehensive approaches to reducing tobacco use is that single-factor approaches can have paradoxical effects on tobacco use. The analysis revealed gender-specific relationships with campaigns aimed at women, which were launched in 1967. In 1971, in the United States, the tobacco industry voluntarily removed all cigarette advertising from radio and television. Whereas in 1970 advertisements represented 82% of total spending on tobacco marketing, they fell to 67% in 1980, 21% in 1990 and 17% in 1991. Every day, approximately 3,500 Americans quit smoking and another 1,200 tobacco customers and former customers die from smoking-related illnesses; therefore, maintaining current levels of tobacco use and income requires that approximately 5000 new smokers be recruited each day (about 2 million a year).

A similar effect of latent censorship occurs when advertising revenues come from one of the many companies that belong to tobacco industry conglomerates (for example, Nabisco, General Foods, Kraft). The distribution of marketing expenses by the tobacco industry over the past two decades represents a major change in marketing trends; in general, the relationship between promotion expenses and advertising expenses has been reversed. Based on this argument, the transportation systems of the cities of Boston, Denver, Portland, New York, Seattle and San Francisco, as well as the state of Utah, have eliminated tobacco advertising in their vehicles. The tobacco industry sponsors opera and ballet shows and rock, rap, country and western concerts, blues, jazz and classical music, which makes tobacco products highly visible to diverse populations and strengthens the association between cigarettes, artistic expression, entertainment, glamor and individuality. The enormous volume of tobacco advertising contributes to the false impression that smoking is regulatory in a wide variety of contexts.

Advertising relates tobacco use to routine social activities and transition points in the daily cycle of work and play. To protect yourself from these risks associated with tobacco advertising it is important to be aware of how these ads can influence young people's decisions about smoking. Raise awareness in your community about the dangers of smoking by advocating for policies that save lives. Make a life-saving donation to help fund research on lung diseases and lung cancer.

Join local American Lung Association events near you. Read “Big Tobacco Companies Are Forced To Tell The Truth With Television And Print Advertisements” for more information about how the industry is being held accountable for its actions.

Clifton Dupriest
Clifton Dupriest

Award-winning coffee aficionado. Typical travel guru. Incurable coffee junkie. Proud music advocate. General pop culture guru.

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